No matter how perfect communication is between couples going through a divorce, it is likely that there will be an issue. However, both individuals should understand that any disputes will move onto the courts and cost them not only time but also a lot of money. That is why so many divorcees choose to simply negotiate among themselves and their attorneys rather than going through arbitration. In Illinois, you’re likely to hear this process described as collaborative divorce work. Read on further to learn about this option you have when communication and agreements about certain issues have broken down.
What Exactly Is Collaborative Divorce?
Divorce cases are filled with many items that need to be taken care of carefully. However, divorcees understand that focusing on each item will take a long time and cost an enormous amount of money. Instead, they will simply agree on certain things, such as who gets the home or family car. However, some issues may take a little longer to agree on, and that is where collaborative divorce comes in. A mediator comes into the picture to help both parties find common ground, and, thus, an agreement is reached. A mediator is not affiliated with either person and has nothing to lose or gain from making final decisions.
What Benefits Come From Going This Route?
Understandably, some individuals may be afraid to go this route because a mediator and not the courts is making decisions. However, going through a mediator is done for much more than seeking an agreement about one issue. Here are some other benefits that come with collaborative divorce work:
- Saves both individuals from having to pay hefty court/attorney fees
- Post-settlement disputes taken care of
- Does not have to take place within the courts
- Allows you to focus on other issues
The legal obstacles that you’re going to encounter during a divorce are quite complex. That is why most experts recommend consulting with an experienced attorney as soon as possible. Doing so may place you ahead of the game in terms of building a proper and strong case.