2016 Changes To Child Custody In Illinois

by | Nov 3, 2016 | Child Custody |

Did you know that Illinois has made some major changes in the statutes regarding child custody?

Here are some of the changes to be aware of:

  • We no longer use the term child custody in Illinois. It is now called “Allocation of Parental Responsibilities.”
  • You can now move 25 miles from your child’s current residence even if it is another State if you reside in Lake Co.
  • We no longer use the term “visitation” we call this “parenting time.”
  • In the past parenting time was more limited to the non-custodial parent.  Today the courts are leaning towards more parenting time for both parents.

These are just a few of the changes to the Illinois Marriage and Dissoluton of Marriage Act that was revised in January of 2016.  This is a complete revision of the former laws relating to child custody and I highly recommend that if you are currently involved in a child custody matter or divorce that you seek the advice of a competent attorney.  I am an experienced family law attorney and would be happy to discuss these matters with you.